What We Do
At CDAH we are committed to building the capacity of peers to develop, organise and lead peer groups and develop peer mentoring relationships that enable peers to share their experiences and learn together.
We are an independent, collective voice committed to full inclusion and active citizenship. We are the first peer-led organisation established to prepare people for the national disability insurance scheme and we are forging new directions!

Our History
CDAH was originally known as the Hunter Disability Support Organisation and was formally launched at a public event in Newcastle in November 2012.
The event, called “NDIS in the Hunter: Getting in Control”, was attended by 180 people with disability and family members.
At the event participants heard about peer led disability support organisations in the United Kingdom and the important and unique role such organisations have in ensuring people with disability have genuine opportunities to exercise control and choice, direct their supports and lead the lives they choose. Such was the enthusiasm, the decision was made to establish a peer led disability support organisation in the Hunter.
CDAH’s establishment and ongoing development was supported by a dedicated working party of twenty people who met fortnightly until we became an incorporated association with our own Board and constitution.

“An organisation such as CDAH only works when we each play an active part. How will you ‘pay it forward’ in the coming year? How will you share your experiences, knowledge and strengths to help others? Let us know how you will contribute.”