Hunter Deafblind Project
The Hunter Deafblind Project is a 2020-2024 Information, Linkages and Capacity Building initiative.

This was a 4.5 year Information, Linkages and Capacity Building project for people who are Deafblind and live in the Hunter region. CDAH are continuing to support this work while ongoing funding is being sourced.
The project will:
- Build peer mentoring relationships with deafblind people and their networks of support in the Hunter – to work out what services and supports you need and how to get them.
- Build networks of support with deafblind people who have left the Stockton Centre.
- Grow a local workforce of deaf support workers who are trained as Communication Guides.
- Run Hunter Deafblind Connect – this is a network of people who work together to support people with deafblindness to be full and active citizens in our community. A fortnightly drop-in operates for Deafblind peers and their allies to meet together and build friendships.
- Support the Hunter Deafblind Group to become strong and independent – to facilitate shared experiences, role modelling, peer mentoring and peer support with people who are deafblind across the region. The Hunter Deafblind Group is a peer support group run for and by deafblind people in the Hunter. This project is run by the Hunter Deafblind Group with the support of CDAH.
For more information contact Justine Lorenz at 0421 850 886 or
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
About Us
The Hunter Deafblind Project team has a unique combination of lived experience and practice knowledge to support deafblind people to have more control in their lives and to become more connected with their communities. Using lived experience and peer support, we help bridge the gap between the person with deafblindness and the services and systems around them to make sure they can access what they need to be equal and active citizens in our community.

Justine Lorenz
Project Coordinator
Justine Lorenz is a deafblind practitioner based in the Hunter who supported the establishment of the local Deafblind peer support group in 2015. Fluent in Auslan, deafblind tactile and tactile Auslan, Justine brings decades of community development, advocacy and coordination work across the government and non-government sectors to help fulfil her vision of a world where everyone can take their place as full and equal citizens.

Alisha Cooper
Project Worker
Alisha Cooper has over 10 years leadership experience in the disability sector, with a focus on assisting disability support workers to design and implement person centred plans. Holds Degree qualifications in Social Sciences majoring in Welfare, and a Diploma of Education in Primary Teaching. Alisha is passionate about working collaboratively to support deafblind community members to live their best life.

Jex Truran-Lakaev
Project Worker
Jex is a deafblind man who uses Tactile Auslan to communicate and was the founding member of the Hunter Deafblind Group in 2015. Jex is a passionate advocate for deafblind people with a strong sense of social justice. He holds a Diploma of Remedial Massage with a natural understanding of the alignment of the body through his honed sense of touch. Proud father of twin girls who keep him on his toes.